21 April 2010

2010 Congressional District Survey

Michael Steele, chairman of the Republican National Committee needs MY help! Immediately! He sent me a survey and a form letter saying so. This is because I am apparently "one of our Party's most dedicated and trusted activists [whose] views and opinions on this survey will be used to represent thousands of Republicans in [my] congressional district." Not only can I provide valuable guidance for the party I can also...wait for it...provide MONEY! Hot damn! Money for "the critical campaign support they need--including polling data, research materials, strategic planning, advertising, volunteer training, lap dances and even direct cash assistance." OK, one of those I made up; you decide which. And $500, $250, $100, $50, or even just $25 seems a small price to pay to stop the Socialist Armageddon Mr. Steele seems certain is looming just over the horizon. The Democrat (sic) Party must be stopped. Did I mention I could give $500, $250, $100, $50, or even just $25? Because he did. Three times, in case I forget!

Anyhoo, I just thought I'd share the survey questions with you all:

  1. Do you support the Obama Administration's efforts to eliminate further testing and deployment of an intercontinental missile defense system?
  2. Should Republicans fight congressional Democrats' efforts to grant full unconditional amnesty to illegal immigrants?
  3. Do you agree with Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi's efforts to impost massive tax hikes on the American people?
  4. Do you believe that the federal government should maintain a permanent ownership stake in large auto companies?
  5. Do you support giving captured foreign terrorists full judicial privileges and rights that are granted to U.S. citizens?
  6. Do you support expanded exploration and drilling for fossil fuels off of U.S. coasts and on federal land?
  7. Do you support the Democrats' efforts to create a massive new federal government bureaucracy that would be run by unionized government employees and would have complete control of your healthcare costs and choices?
  8. Should Republicans in Congress make expansion of veterans' benefits a priority?
  9. Do you support maintaining anti-terrorism laws that give law enforcement and intelligence agencies the far-reaching powers to track detain and prosecute terrorists and their accomplices?
  10. Should the U.S. government normalize relations with Cuba?
  11. Do you believe Barack Obama and Democrats in Congress have the best interests of you, your family and your community in mind?
  12. Do you believe that American business and industry will be able to compete in the world economy if the Obama Administration bends to pressure from radical environmentalists and implements draconian regulations on emissions, energy consumption and transportation beyond what is required in other countries?
  13. Do you support Barack Obama's plan to get Medicare to fund a new bloated entitlement program?
  14. Do you agree that President Obama and the Democrats in Congress seem more concerned about passing their liberal pet-programs than creating jobs and getting the economy going?
  15. Do you believe that the nation's Founding Fathers intended for the federal government to micro-manage state and local functions such as healthcare, child care and unemployment assistance
  16. Do you feel that total Democrat (sic) control of both chambers of Congress and the Presidency will make our nation more safe prosperous and free?
  17. Are you ready to actively support Republican candidates in your area and across the country who are fighting to stop the liberal Obama agenda and reinstitute conservative Republican policies and principles such as personal responsibility, lower taxes, cutting government waste and keeping our defense strong?
  • Yes! I want to join the RNC's effort to win control of the U.S. House and Senate in the fast-approaching 2010 mid-term elections, safeguard our values and principles, and get America moving towards a strong, prosperous and secure future. I am enclosing my most generous contribution of: $500, $250, $100, $50, $25, $____ Other
  • I cannot pledge my support this year, but I would like to include a contribution of $11 to help the RNC fund this survey and its tabulation.

1 comment:

. said...

Perhaps monopoly money would suffice?